The Potency of Jatibungkus Geosite as One of Geotourism Destination of Karangsambung – Karangbolong National Geopark

Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-04
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Land Management
Language: EN
Jatibungkus is one of limestone cave geosite in National Karangsambung – Karangbolong Geopark, managed by Langse Pokdarwis (Kelompok Sadar Wisata).  The objective of the study is to improve the economical value of geoturism as an alternative livelihood of local people in Jatibungkus through geosite development. This study uses four methods, regional geological studies, field research, geosite and geomorphosite assessment analysis, and planning the geotrail system inside and outside around the geosite. This research show that Jatibungkus Geosite is isolated hill with unique cave ornaments in geological features. This geosite is also related to olisostrom mechanism in Karangsambung Formation. Based on the geosite and geomorphosite assessment analysis, Jatibungkus Geosite eligible as a geotourism object with the highest feasibility average values in conservation values of 87,5%. The other feasibility values are economical values of 50%, educational values of 50%, scientific and intrinsic values of 41,67% and added values of 40%. Geotrail system in this geosite is integrating unique visual cave feature and structural morphology in the geosite area. This geotrail system is also integrated with other transportation routes and connected with other geosites in the National Karangsambung - Karangbolong Geopark area.


geopark; geotourism; geotrail; Jatibungkus; Karangsambung; Karangbolong


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  1. Fitriany Amalia Wardhani  Research and Development Division for Earth Conservation and Information, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
  2. Eko Puswanto  Research and Development Division for Earth Conservation and Information, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia
  3. Muhammad Al Afif  Research and Development Division for Earth Conservation and Information, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia