Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-02
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Food Security
Language: EN
Food security will determine economic, social, and political stability to fulfill people's welfare in a country. According to National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) in March 2018, the number of households that hold food in Kendal Regency in 2017 is only around 47.3 percent with the details that 45.3 percent of households are in rural areas and the remaining 54.7 percent of households are in the area urban area. This work is examining the profile of food security of rural and urban households in Kendal Regency and the effect of socio-economic variables on the food security of rural and urban households in Kendal Regency. This research used logit regression analysis and secondary data from SUSENAS in March 2018 conducted by the Kendal Regency Central Statistics Agency. The results showed that the types of regions (rural and urban) did not significantly influence the status of Kendal Regency household food security. The status of food security for rural households in Kendal Regency is influenced by the expenditure of food share, household per capita expenditure, working status of the head of the household, and the number of household members. In contrast, the status of food security for urban households in Kendal Regency is influenced by household per capita expenditure, expenditure on food share, and age of household head.
food security; households; socio-economic
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