Consumers' Intention to Purchase Organic Vegetable Product in Semarang City Central Java

Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-02
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Agricultural Development
Language: EN
The purpose of this study was to determine the consumers' intention to purchase organic vegetable products in Semarang City, Central Java Province. Primary data were collected using the list structured questionnaire from 150 consumers as respondents. Determination of respondents' samples is done by accidental sampling method. Data collection was carried out from July to September 2018. In order to analyze the consumer intention to purchase, a survey with 150 respondents was conducted in Semarang City. Firstly, the factor analysis is used to identify the possible variables that influence the consumers' intention to purchase organic vegetable production. Furthermore, logistic regression is employed to examine the significant relationship between the influence factors on the consumers' intention to buy. The result showed that there were 4 main factors that will influence the acceptance of consumer toward organic vegetable product which were consumer awareness, the motive to consume, consumer knowledge and consumer perception. Then, the factor score for these four identified factors was applied to the binary logistic regression and to examine the significant factors that influence the probability of consumer's intention to purchase the organic vegetable products. The binary logistic regression showed that consumers' negative awareness, positive motive to buy and age have significantly significant a 5% significance level.


awareness; consumer; intention; organic; vegetables


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  1. Wiludjeng Roessali  Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  2. Endang Dwi Purbajanti  Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  3. Tutik Dalmiyatun  Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  4. Kadhung Prayoga  Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia