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	author = {Syafina Muzaqqi and Jumino Jumino},
	title = {The Will to Meaning in Tiger’s Life Journey in Kathleen Glasgow’s How to Make Friends with The Dark},
	journal = {Proceedings International Conference of Culture and Sustainable Development},
	volume = {2},
	number = {0},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {the will to meaning; how to make friends with the dark; viktor frankl, crisis of meaning; logotherapy},
	abstract = {This thesis explores the profound suffering experienced by Tiger Tolliver, the protagonist of Kathleen Glasgow's novel \"How to Make Friends with the Dark,\" which leads her to a crisis of meaning. This existential crisis, or existential vacuum, is a psychological and social phenomenon where individuals feel lost, disoriented, and perceive their lives as lacking meaning. In individualistic societies with significant socio-economic disparities, such crises are more prevalent. However, overcoming a crisis of meaning is possible through finding the will to meaning with logotherapy, a theory proposed by Viktor Frankl. Frankl posits that individuals can discover personal meaning and a sense of purpose even in the most challenging circumstances. This study employs a psychological approach and utilizes qualitative methods to analyse the subject. The research findings indicate that Tiger discovers meaning in her life through her determination to release the guilt associated with her mother's death, her will to continue living, and her quest for meaning through actions, relationships, and a sense of humour.},
	issn = {3031-5794},	url = {}