The Meaning and Function of Ugeman in the Text of Yusup's Lontarin for the Osing Banyuwangi Community

Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2024-11-06
Published: 2024-11-15
Section: Articles
Language: EN
This lontar’s Yusup is an old literary form of traditional poetry. There is an esoteric aspect to Lontar Yusup. The Lontar Yusup manuscript consists of four basic songs and 12 pupuh. One of the pupuhs is the pupuh Kasmatran Kawitan (Samudana), contains the journey of the Prophet Yusuf when he was his father's favorite son and was a good figure and was considered the most perfect. The theory used in manuscript research is philology and reception theory. Meanwhile, data collection regarding the reception of the manuscript was carried out directly with the community.Data analysis and data presentation were carried out in two stages, namely philological and receptive. The results are presented descriptively. The results of the philological analysis, namely text editing, turned out to be text corruption in the form of correcting letters or words that were written incorrectly, such as the word hyang in the yewang written text, the word lord in the tuwan written text, and the word asu alas in the asu walas written text. Results of analysis of the text of the song Kasmaran Kawitan (Samudana) in the Lontar Yusup manuscript is a teaching that contains traditions and culture that are still developing today. Even though the manuscript is an old manuscript, the Lontar Yusup manuscript is still accepted among the Using community today in Banyuwangi Regency.Apart from the results of the analysis of the meaning and function of the Lontar Yusup mocoan tradition in Banyuwangi, there are ritual traditions that are considered sacred and are still developing today, such as the tingkeban, wedding, village clean and ugem traditions. The ugem tradition is a ritual to find a way out or seek guidance through the Lontar Yusup mocoan tradition.


Lontar Yusup, Kasmaran Kawitan (Samudana), Philology and Reception


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  1. Muhammad Abdullah  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, 50275 Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia, Indonesia
  2. Dyah Pamularsih  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, 50275 Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia, Indonesia