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	author = {Teti Deliany Putri and S Sunarsih and Fuad Muhammad},
	title = {The Role of Yogyakarta City Government in Building Communities Adaptation Capacity},
	journal = {International Conference on Regional Development},
	volume = {1},
	number = {1},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {climate change; climate village program; role of regional government},
	abstract = {According to the United Nations Economic and social institutions data in 2011. Climate change has emerged as one of the main problems at the beginning of the 21st century. The long history of Yogyakarta City as the center of government and center of activity has resulted in demographic pressures that have an impact on increasing GHG emissions. Human activities that tend to prioritize economic and social needs and exclude ecology can increase the potential for disasters due to the effects of climate change. This climate disaster requires attention because it can cause damage and if it is not addressed it will cause a greater loss of the new paradigm of Good Governance and Good Environmental Governance in the concept of sustainable development needs to be integrated into environmental planning. Furthermore, the role of local governments in improving community adaptability on a community scale through the Climate Village Program (ProKlim) is expected to succeed in the national GHG emission reduction target by adjusting to the potential and problems in their respective regions. The method used in this study with an analysis that is descriptive qualitative, in-depth interviews were carried out to several selected key persons. Based on the research, it is known that the stages carried out by the Yogyakarta City Government by the guidelines for implementing ProKlim include preparation, planning, implementation, development, and strengthening of actions that can increase adaptive capacity in the community. Through the implementation of ProKlim activities, the success of the activities is evidenced by the emergence of new villages that implement climate change adaptation and mitigation in each village every year.},
	pages = {215--220}	url = {}