@article{ICRD200, author = {Hayatun Nufus and Farit M. Afendi and M. Budi Setiawan and Dedy Heriwibowo and Arief Budi Witarto}, title = {Creation of a New Electronic Reporting Management System “SIMPLE” and Its Effect on the Quality of Financial Report and User Satisfaction within the Office of Regional Secretary, Sumbawa}, journal = {International Conference on Regional Development}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, keywords = {information quality of SIMPLE; SIMPLE; system quality of SIMPLE; users satisfaction}, abstract = {The use of the SIMDA application program at the Sumbawa Regional Secretariat has several problems due to the weaknesses of the application. The weakness of the SIMDA application causes weak in control, delay in reporting, and decreased user satisfaction. The use of the SIMPLE application program is expected to provide solutions of the problems that arise in the SIMDA application program. This study aims to determine the effect of system quality and quality of information produced by SIMPLE on the level of satisfaction of application users. This research uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study was Government Civil Servants (PNS) in the Sumbawa Regional Secretariat and other Regional Device Organizations. The sample was chosen by purposive sampling technique. The method of data collection is done by questionnaire. The results of multiple linear regression tests obtained a regression quality coefficient of 0.265, while the quality of information is 0.706. The partial test results of each variable obtained a significant value (p) of 0.005 for system quality and 0,000 for the quality of information produced by the system. The value of p <0.05, which means that the quality of the system and the quality of SIMPLE information partially affect to the level of the application user satisfaction. Simultaneous test results (Test F) obtain a significant value (p) of 0,000. Where the value of p <0.05, which means that together the quality of the system and the quality of SIMPLE information affect to the level of application users satisfaction in the Regional Secretariat of Sumbawa Regency.}, pages = {204--210} url = {http://proceedings.undip.ac.id/index.php/icrd/article/view/200} }