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	author = {Andjar Prasetyo and A Asrori and Hotnier Sipahutar},
	title = {Impact of Policy and Economy on Market Aspects in Regional Competitiveness in Central Java},
	journal = {International Conference on Regional Development},
	volume = {1},
	number = {1},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {market aspect, public policy, the regional competitiveness index},
	abstract = {The Regional Competitiveness Index is one of the recommendations for regional policy directions and is believed to be a parameter of sustainable regional development. The purpose of this study is to analyze how much the impact of the market aspects on the four pillars includes Product Market Efficiency, Employment, Financial Access and Market Size in regional competitiveness. The market aspect is one of four aspects in the Regional Competitiveness Index. 35 Areas in Central Java Province were the location of this study with qualitative descriptions of research results obtained from observations, monitoring and interpretation of four pillars of data obtained in 2018. The research data came from secondary data by including 35 regions in the regional competitiveness index measurement in Province of Central Java. The results of the study indicate that the market aspect has an indirect impact in encouraging regional competitiveness indices, in addition to market aspects that require policy adjustments to be carried out both at regional and national scales in Indonesia.},
	pages = {169--177}	url = {}