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	author = {Ade Wahyudi},
	title = {Strategy of Institutional Reinforecement to Overcome Regional Disparities in Siak Regency},
	journal = {International Conference on Regional Development},
	volume = {1},
	number = {1},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {development; institutional reinforcement; local economic regional cluster; regional disparities},
	abstract = {The development process in spatial perspective is always faced with a phenomenon called regional disparity. Siak regency, particularly the central area of the capital city has grown rapidly, while its hinterland in the eastern part, lags behind. The reasons behind this widening development gap include the increased exploitation of resources by the capital city, rapid urbanization, agglomeration of educated and skilled workforces in the city center, high proportion of constrained land, centralization of economic activities and low mobility of goods and services. This backwash effect makes the eastern area of Siak Regency lag behind. The methods used in this research are policy development analysis and institutional linkage analysis. The strategy was carried out from institutional capacity through development scenario based on local economic development and regional cluster concepts. The result indicates that the institutional capacity in the eastern area of Siak Regency remains low. It is proven through assessment of achievement which shows that most variables being assessed have not  met all targeted indicators.The scenario development has been formulated, first step is called establishment (year 2019-2023), second step is called functionalization (year 2024-2028), third step is called innovation (year 2029-2038) and fourth step is called suistainability (year 2034-2038).},
	pages = {142--154}	url = {}