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	author = {Eko Puswanto and Puguh Dwi Raharjo and Fitriany Amalia Wardhani and Mohammad Al ‘Afif},
	title = {Study of the Wadas Malang Hot Spring as Non-Volcanic Geothermal Potential, Kebumen Central Java},
	journal = {International Conference on Regional Development},
	volume = {1},
	number = {1},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {fault; FFD; fracture; geothermal; hot spring},
	abstract = {In general, the research area has complex geological characteristics. Wadas Malang is non-volcanic area, dominated by sedimentary rocks, transition between Waturanda and Penosogan Formation. Wadas Malang area has a hot spring manifestation which may indicate geothermal potential. Unfortunately, this geothermal manifestation has not yet been seriously developed. Absolutely, this potential could be integrated with Sindaro waterfall as one of geotourism destination at the Karangsambung-Karangbolong National Geopark. Wadas Malang hot spring interpreted as non-volcanic geothermal system. The main aim of this research is to determine the correlation of Fault and Fracture Density (FFD) with hot spring manifestation in the study area. This research using FFD method and lyneaments analysis from SRTM and digital topography data. Lineaments analysis was processed from a raster image of ASTERGDEM 10 M by using GIS software (ArcGIS) to generate a lineament map. Regional geology and geochemistry data of the hot spring manifestation from the literature have been used as reference in this study. This study indicated that the occurance of the Wadas Malang hot spring is related with outflow system which are controlled by Kedungkramat sinistral fault as a result of tectonic deformation. The occurrence of this manifestation is not only controlled by fractures, but also by regional hydrology, contact and formation dips. FFD maps could be used as an alternative to identify segmentations lineament trends which is used in field surveys. This morphology strongly affects the results of FFD analysis which is correlated with surface manifestation in the study area.},
	pages = {92--96}	url = {}