@article{ICRD175, author = {Mukson Mukson and T. Ekowati and E. Prasetyo and S. Gayatri}, title = {Analysis of Development Factors of Jasmine Flower (Jasminum sambac L.) Commodity in Batang Regency, Central Java}, journal = {International Conference on Regional Development}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, keywords = {development factor; jasmine flower; productivity}, abstract = {This research aims to: 1) analyze productivity level of jasmine flower agribusiness, and 2) analyze factors which influence the development of jasmine flower agribusiness in Batang Regency. The research was conducted by survey and observation methods. The research sites were determined by purposive sampling method, based on the regional potential of the district which develops jasmine flower agribusiness, namely Kandeman district and Batang district. 63 farmers were selected as respondents by quota sampling. Primary data were collected by interview based on the prepared questionnaire. Secondary data were obtained from Agencies and other Offices which are related to the subject of the research. The data in this study are presented in descriptive and statistical analysis. The productivity of jasmine flower was analyzed based on the average land area and production, whereas the analysis of development factors of jasmine flower agribusiness was analyzed using multiple linear regression model with production of jasmine flower as the dependent variable (Y) and age (X1), education background (X2), number of dependents (X3), business experience (X4) of farmers, land area (X5), cropping pattern (X6), land status (X7), production goal (X8), production period (X9), and selling price (X10) as independent factors. The results showed that the average land area was 0.499 ha/farmer with production capacity of 2,793.86 kg/annum, or a productivity rate of 5,598.92 kg/ha. Taken together, factor (X1) to factor (X10) has a very significant effect (P <0.01) on the development of jasmine flower agribusiness, while the land area (P <0.01) and the selling price of jasmine flowers (P <0 , 10) has a partial influence on the development of jasmine flower agribusiness. These results indicate that the development of jasmine flower agribusiness needs to take into account technical, social and economic factors.}, pages = {34--40} url = {http://proceedings.undip.ac.id/index.php/icrd/article/view/175} }