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	author = {Eni Yulianingsih and Ali Pramono and Rina Kartikawati},
	title = {Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Long-Term Fertilization and Rice Varieties in Irrigated Rice Field},
	journal = {International Conference on Regional Development},
	volume = {1},
	number = {1},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {fertilizer; GHG; irrigated land; rice variety},
	abstract = {Food production needs to be increased by 70% to provide food in 2050. However, agricultural activities contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of approximately 5% of national GHG emissions. The main greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector are CH4, which is 67% of total agricultural emissions, followed by N2O (30%) and CO2 (3%). The development of food crops combined with livestock is one of the efficient carbon farming systems. An efficient carbon farming system is an agricultural system that optimally uses carbon contained in crop residues and livestock waste as a source of organic material. The system can provide added value to increase land and plant productivity, farmer income, energy efficiency, and reduce GHG emissions. The study was conducted to obtain GHG emissions (CH4 and N2O) on food crops to support carbon-efficient farming systems. This research was carried out at the Sukamandi Rice Center in the rainy season of 2013. Long-term fertilization treatments were observed in NPK fertilizer and Organic Material (OM) plots, while varieties were observed in Ciherang, Situ Bagendit, and Inpari 30. CH4 and N2O emissions from each plot in 3 replications were taken four times (6 November 2013, 13 November 2013, 20 November 2013, and 27 November 2013). The results showed that OM treatment emitted CH4 of 36.77 kg CH4 ha-1season-1 was lower than NPK treatment, and NPK treatment emitted N2O by 0.68 kg N2O ha-1season-1 lower than OM treatment. For the treatment of Inpari 30 variety emitted of 27.73 kg, CH4 ha-1season-1 lower than the Ciherang and Situ Bagendit variety while Situ Bagendit variety emitted N2O of 0.85 N2O ha-1season-1 lower than the Ciherang and Inpari variety. 30.Keywords: agriculture, biotechnology, sustainable.},
	pages = {7--14}	url = {}