Strong Coastal Village Development Program: An Evidence of Contribution in Development of Coastal Areas Perspective of Coastal Area in Central Java

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-04
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Rural Infrastructure
Language: EN
Indonesia is a country that has an area of ocean 70% greater than the land area. Indonesia's huge potential is inversely proportional to the condition of the people living in it. Coastal communities live below the line of poverty and vulnerability to disasters. The government in this case provides a program to develop coastal strong villages to coastal areas in several regencies / cities to overcome these problems. The development of coastal area empowerment programs often experiences obstacles in terms of program mismatches with the characteristics and needs of program beneficiaries, so that the allocation of programs is not on target. In this case, strengthening the participation of coastal communities is very important so that empowerment programs are in line with the needs of the community. This study seeks to examine the role of the strong Coastal Village Development program in increasing the development of coastal areas in Central Java. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method of sample taken by taking samples on coastal areas in Central Java, among others in the districts (Pati, Rembang, Demak, Pekalongan, Tegal) Based on the results of data analysis conducted by researchers, the findings that the Program implementation. The development of the strong Coastal Village in the coastal area of Central Java shows that the three focuses of the development activities have been well implemented. The development activities are building resources, building environment / infrastructure, and building disaster preparedness. Whereas activities that are not implemented are human development and business development. The recommendation given in this study is that the implementation of the program must be supported by sufficient funds, need coordination and cooperation with other relevant stakeholders, and the need for effective supervision and evaluation.
Central Java; coastal region development; coastal village; program implementation
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