Analysis Program and Institutions Inter-Regional and Health Cooperation Based on Social Capital in Isolated Village of Sungai Benuh, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-04
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Rural and Regional Governance
Language: EN
Challenges facing the demographic bonus of 2045 require Indonesia having ability to equalize basic education and health services, especially in isolated areas. The incessant development in border areas will make the changing in community, so it needs the role of empowering social capital in accelerating development and maintaining cultural values of the communities. This study aims to identify social capital, program needs and appropriate institutional in an education and a health cooperation between regions in Sungai Benuh Village. This is a quantitative research with cross sectional design study to identify social capital, program and institutional involved. The results showed that social capital in Sungai Benuh Village has excellent information potential that provides community access to the world of education, health and fosters trust in strengthening cooperation between both government institutions in Tanjung Jabung Timur and Banyuasin District. Education and health programs are as basic needs nowadays, with the construction of bridges as a link between Sungai Benuh and Tanah Pilih Village are needed to be realized, so education and health development cooperation can be implemented. The ideal institution by empowering social capital as a strategy for implementing development cooperation has been planned. First, by optimizing empowerment at the micro level through family empowerment, study groups, community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and youth associations. The second, by optimizing the power of providing information to Sungai Benuh community in preparing the changes.
ideal institution; social capital; Sungai Benuh Village
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