Spatial Analisis Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing to LULC Identify, Case Study in Semarang City 1992 - 2019

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-04
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Land Management
Language: EN
Land use/land cover is one of the dynamic surface parameters that will changes. Semarang is the capital city of Central Java Province which experienced a fairly high land cover change. This study has aim to analyzing land use land cover change in Semarang City using multitemporal satellite imagery. So that the knowledge of the direction of change can be used for recommendations for regional development planning. The impact of regional development is the land cover changes, that is occur from agricultural land into built land. Analysis with remote sensing data is a cheap and accurate method to identifying of the land cover changes. Landsat imagery is data that has a long data record series. So that the data can be used to surface monitoring. Landsat image data has a multispectral band that can be used for digital analysis. Maximum likelihood Classification is a digital classification that gives quite accurate results. The results obtained in this study is map comparison of the land use type in Semarang City between 1992 and 2019. Changes occur on agricultural lands and bare land into settlement, so that the right targets in development need to be. So that the results can be used as recommendations for the Central Java Provincial Government for the direction of the sustainable development sector
land cover; land use; sustainable development
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