Diversity of Geological and Non-Geological Sites in Spatial Planning of the North Geopark Karangsambung-Karangbolong Area

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-02
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Land Management
Language: EN
Geopark is a concept of sustainable regional development that has a function as a conservation area, education, and development of the local economy. The Karangsambung geologicalGeopark is a concept of sustainable regional development that has a function as a conservation area, education, and development of the local economy. The Karangsambung geological protected area in the north part and the Karst Gombong Landscape Area in the southern part, including 543,599 km2 area, has been designated as the National Geopark. The determination of this area is based on the unique geological diversity accompanied by non-geological diversity. Both of these areas are geological protected areas, as stated in Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) No. 26 of 2008 (RTRWN), Local Government Regulation (Peraturan Daerah/Perda) No 6 the Year 2010 (RTRW of Central Java Province) and Perda No. 23 of 2010 (RTRW of Kebumen Regency). The northern Geopark region is known for its diversity of rocks resulting from the process of plate subduction from 117 to 55 million years ago to produce complex and unique geological conditions that interact with environmental conditions to produce flora, fauna, and culture. In conducting spatial planning of the geopark area, consideration of the existence of geological and non-geological sites is considered. This study aims to do a description, to know the distribution of geological and non-geological sites, to conduct zoning and the formulation of policy patterns to support the preparation of detailed geopark spatial planning. It is expected that with the geopark zoning, the use of existing space and activities can be aligned and support the protected function of the area. Based on the distribution of geological and non-geological diversity, the northern geopark region is composed of 4 (four) zones with Luk Ulo River as the main zone of the geopark area. Zone-1 is around the district Karangsambung with a focus on geological heritage (geo-heritage), zone-2 with a focus on the development of geological-based agro-tourism (geo-agro) which is located around Sadang district. Zone-3 with the emphasis on developing geological -based water tourism (geo-water) around the Alian district. While zone-4 (geo-culture) with the focus of the development of geological-based cultural tourism in the district of Karaggayam. protected area in the north part and the Karst Gombong Landscape Area in the southern part, including 543,599 km2 area, has been designated as the National Geopark. The determination of this area is based on the unique geological diversity accompanied by non-geological diversity. Both of these areas are geological protected areas, as stated in Government Regulation (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) No. 26 of 2008 (RTRWN), Local Government Regulation (Peraturan Daerah/Perda) No 6 the Year 2010 (RTRW of Central Java Province) and Perda No. 23 of 2010 (RTRW of Kebumen Regency). The northern Geopark region is known for its diversity of rocks resulting from the process of plate subduction from 117 to 55 million years ago to produce complex and unique geological conditions that interact with environmental conditions to produce flora, fauna, and culture. In conducting spatial planning of the geopark area, consideration of the existence of geological and non-geological sites is considered. This study aims to do a description, to know the distribution of geological and non-geological sites, to conduct zoning and the formulation of policy patterns to support the preparation of detailed geopark spatial planning. It is expected that with the geopark zoning, the use of existing space and activities can be aligned and support the protected function of the area. Based on the distribution of geological and non-geological diversity, the northern geopark region is composed of 4 (four) zones with Luk Ulo River as the main zone of the geopark area. Zone-1 is around the district Karangsambung with a focus on geological heritage (geo-heritage), zone-2 with a focus on the development of geological-based agro-tourism (geo-agro) which is located around Sadang district. Zone-3 with the emphasis on developing geological -based water tourism (geo-water) around the Alian district. While zone-4 (geo-culture) with the focus of the development of geological-based cultural tourism in the district of Karaggayam.
geological and non-geological site; North of Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark; spatial planning
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