Developing of Catfish Cultivation at Lereng Merbabu (Cepogo) using an Independent Feed Aid Method the Central for Brackish Water Aquaculture, Jepara

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-02
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Food Security
Language: EN
Catfish cultivation is one of the improvements in the increasing affiliation of the Boyolali community. The main problem in catfish farming is the cost of feed. To fulfill the need for fish feed, most farmers rely on feed manufacturers where the price of factory feed continues to increase following the prices of feed raw materials. By increasing factory fish feed prices without being offset by increases in fish meat prices increases, farmers lose. The Center for Brackish Water Aquaculture (BBPBAP) Jepara through the Artificial Feed Laboratory tried to make catfish feed. This feed is assisted while being tested directly on catfish farmers in the Boyolali district of Central Java. The results obtained from the trial and assistance activities are Feed Concertion Ratio (FCR) 0.8-1 with 90-100 g Average Body Weight (ABW) with a maintenance period of 3 months. From the use of this independent feed, farmers get a profit margin of Rp. 550,000, - per 1,000 heads of catfish, is higher than the use of feed manufacturers with a profit margin of Rp. 300,000 per 1,000 catfish.
catfish cultivation; cost; farmers
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