Personality Development of Enola Holmes In Nancy Springer’s The Case of The Missing Marquess

Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2024-11-08
Published: 2024-11-15
Section: Articles
Language: EN
This research paper discusses the personality development of Enola Holmes in The Case of the Missing Marquess, written by Nancy Springer. The objective of this research paper is to analyze the personality development of Enola, the main character of the novel, covering Enola’s personality before the process of personality development, Enola’s process during the personality development, Enola’s personality after the process of personality development and the factors that influence Enola’s personality development. The writer uses the library research method by collecting primary and secondary data. The data is analyzed by using a psychological approach in literature. Elizabeth B. Hurlock’s theory of personality development is employed to analyze the extrinsic elements of this research paper. The result of this research shows that the main character, Enola, experiences conflicts that lead her to undergo a personality development to be a person with a good personality. Enola’s personality before the process of personality development is dependent on her other and immature. Enola’s process in developing her personality development is shown by her changes from being dependent on her mother to being self-reliant and from being immature to being mature. As Enola undergoes many conflicts, her personality develops into being self-reliant and mature. The development in Enola’s personality is caused by the changes in environments, change in roles, and strong motivation.


Personality Development, Personality Changes, Process and Factors of Personality Development


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  1. Emir Eranoto Dipasena  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia
  2. Hadiyanto Hadiyanto  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia