Evaluation of the Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation Program Based on the CIPP Model

Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2024-11-15
Published: 2024-11-15
Section: Articles
Language: EN
This study aims to determine how to scientifically evaluate the program in terms of the suitability of program implementation with the vision of the social inclusion-based library transformation program using the CIPP evaluation model in the implementation of the program that was implemented by Bekasi City Regional Archives and Library Office. This research was motivated by the phenomenon of the increasing role of libraries in improving community literacy through community empowerment and social inclusion-based libraries, which triggered an increase in reading interest and community skills. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method using the Stufflebeam CIPP evaluation model. The research data were collected through interviewing, observing, and studying records. There were five informants in this study, namely the regional facilitator of the social inclusion-based library transformation program in the city of Bekasi and the participants of the program. The data analysis method used is the thematic analysis method. The results showed that based on the context concept, the implementation of the program has been achieved quite well; based on the input concept, the implementation of the program is running in accordance with the planned agenda; based on the process concept, two types of activities have been carried out, namely the socialization of technical guidance and 15 community practice activities; and based on the product concept, there is an achievement of the TPBIS program with the highest number of participants through reading lessons and the practice of making bir pletok


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  1. Raihana Munggarani Putri  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia
  2. Putut Suharso  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia