Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2024-11-05
Published: 2024-11-15
Section: Articles
Language: EN

Oral literature holds a significant place in Indonesian culture, and legends are a prominent form of folklore. These tales often narrate the origins of places, often intertwined with myths. One such example is the legend of Telaga Warna ("Colorful Lake") in Wonosobo Regency, Java, Indonesia. Surrounded by various versions of its mythical formation,Telaga Warna has become deeply embedded in local beliefs. These myths often revolve around a palace-centric narrative,featuring princes, princesses, and even celestial beings.From a geographical perspective, Telaga Warna's unique hues are attributed to the presence of sulfur and sulfur within the lake, reflecting a spectrum of colors. Additionally, the lake's formation is believed to be the result of a former crater filled with water.This research aims to delve into the legend of Telaga Warna, exploring its myths and potential as a literary tourism destination. Telaga Warna's natural beauty, encompassing a serene lake, a small forest, and the backdrop of Mount Perahu,makes it a popular attraction for selfies and nature enthusiasts.The lake's literary significance lies in the potential for its legend and myths to be transformed into various art forms, such as traditional or modern drama, sinetron (Indonesian soap operas), films, and documentaries. This cultural transformation can enhance the lake's appeal as a literary tourism destination.Furthermore, Telaga Warna's status as a tourist destination can generate income for the Wonosobo local government and its community, while also providing creative opportunities for local artists. The research employed an observational method, utilizing interview and questionnaire techniques to gather data. The collected data was analyzed using literary and cultural theories, focusing on legends, myths, and their potential for transformation into various art forms. The research approach was qualitative and descriptive in nature.


Legend, myth, transformation, tourism destination


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  1. Muhamad Hermintoyo  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia
  2. Anisya Putri Mahardika  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia