Planning of Rikrok Education Tourism Around Borobudur Area in Strengthening Rural Economic Competitiveness of Magelang Regency, Central Java

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-04
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Rural and Regional Governance
Language: EN
The Government as a facilitator of the development of creative cities in increasing creativity and welfare of the comunity. Magelang Regency and the area around Borobudur are the main destinations for foreign tourists visiting the Central Java region. Rikrok is one of the villages around the Borobudur area, is a unique tourism planning package and can be packaged into an educational tour package that is worth selling to domestic and foreign tourists. Data collection techniques are done throght observation, documentation, and literature books. The results revealed that Rikrok has interesting educational potential to be visited by tourists, namely making pencils that are equipped with classical / modern art ornaments, key chains, batik pottery, batik cloth, and miniature Borobudur. The potential is then packaged into a tourism planning package in the form of products made in accordance with the goals expected by tourists to be fulfilled. Satisfaction will be obtained when fulfilling products that are in accordance with (1) tourist satisfaction, (2) product satisfaction of tourist expectations, (3) perceptions greater than expectations, (4) products provide new experience and knowledge, and (5) products fulfill desires and needs.
educational tours; package planning; tourist areas
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