Study of Changes in the Community Quality of Life after the Slum Upgrading: A Case Study in Tirto Urban Village, Pekalongan City

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-04
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Livelihood
Language: EN
Tirto Urban Village is one of the urban villages which became location for slum upgrading by government. The types of upgrading covered upgrading to clean water, drainage, roads, street lighting and open spaces. All upgrading are made to improve community quality of life, but this was not seen in the Tirto Urban Village. The purpose of this research is to examined changes in community quality of life after slum upgrading. This study took place in 4 RW Tirto Urban Village with sample of 94 households. The results of the study indicate an increase in community quality of life. This occurs in four sub-variables of quality of life. Although, there is one sub-variable that has decreased namely recreational and playing opportunities. The decrease in the aspect is closely related to the decrease in open space conditions. Decrease in condition is caused by rob with a high enough intensity. There needs to be improvement in open space, in the following ways: improving soil surface quality, adding vegetation and increasing physical attributes.
quality of life; slum; upgrading
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