Incorporating Biotechnology for Sustainable Farming: Case Study on Developing and Developed Country (Indonesia-Australia)

Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-01
Published: 2020-06-05
Section: Agricultural Development
Language: EN
Biotechnology within the agricultural sector, primarily refers to genetic modification technology. Nowadays, breakthroughs in genetic modification (GM) crops have expanded regarding fulfilling the food, fuel, and fiber consumption. More food needed for human rapid population growth. Moreover, the quality of food-related to nutrition content also needs to be developed. This study aims to investigate the status of biotechnology in Indonesia compared to Australia by collecting the published article from the academic portals. It was found that the global status of the biotech crop was varied in several countries. Australia was at great in the area coverage of the biotech crop, with cotton and canola as the biotech crop is grown in Australia. Several GMO plants have received food, feed, and environmental safety certificates from the government of Indonesia, such as corn tolerant insect, sugarcane tolerance in drought, improve soybean and nutrition. However, due to incomplete biosafety assessments, there are no imported or locally developed GMO plants that have yet been commercialized. Sustainability in agriculture relates to the development of agriculture. It means that economic, social, and environment cannot be distinguished apart. Besides an economic impact due to obtaining the great yield, biotechnology can play a role in protecting the natural resources by applying to the infertile land, minimize the nitrogen usage; then, biotechnology contributes to reducing pesticide usage and increasing the human health by preventing malnutrition. The challenges to developing biotechnology come from the consumer's perspective on the side effect of the biotech product, lack of government regulation, high cost to produce the biotechnology product. Then, increasing the knowledge of the society of the
biotechnology product and increasing the research and development on clean
biotechnology is necessary to overcome the negative concern of biotechnology
biotechnology product and increasing the research and development on clean
biotechnology is necessary to overcome the negative concern of biotechnology
agriculture; biotechnology; sustainable
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