Local Ecological Knowledge on Mangroves Among Tambakrejo Community in Northern Semarang: The Case of CAMAR Community

Open Access
Article Info
Submitted: 2024-11-15
Published: 2024-11-15
Section: Articles
Language: EN
KPL Camar, on the coast of Tambakrejo Village, Tanjung Mas, Semarang City, was born from a CSR program. After the program ends, the initiative and motivation of KPL Camar members are very important for the sustainability of conservation. Facing abrasion, accretion, land subsidence, and dependence on coastal ecosystems, KPL Camar members chose to continue conservation. This research aims to explore mangrove conservation practices in the KPL Camar from an ecological anthropology perspective, understand the role of the Camar KPL as conservation participants and part of the coastal ecosystem, and link mangrove conservation with livelihoods. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study conducted in the Tambakrejo Fisherman's Village, Semarang. The main findings show that the mangrove conservation practices carried out by KPL Camar are divided into conservation based on human-environment relations and conservation for livelihood systems. This reflects the narrative of environmentally friendly living and responsible use of nature. These social-ecosystem interactions change people's views and values towards the environment. Members of KPL Camar internalize conservation values and develop cultural practices that are more environmentally friendly. The results of this research highlight the importance of community participation in conservation practices and its impact on welfare and environmental sustainability


KPL Camar, conservation, human ecology.


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  1. Dian Komalasari  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia
  2. Dani Mohammad Ramadhan  Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia